Day 31

Посмотри видео

Выполни задания

Задание. Смотря видео заполни пропущенные слова. Выполни задание письменно, чтобы лучше запомнить.

So, phrasal verbs are a_______ of words that take on a different meaning than the original verb, okay? So, we combine a verb with a _____________ or an adverb and it makes a different meaning. So, "my truck broke down". My truck malfunctioned, my truck __________ working - broke down. "I will have to deal with this" - meaning: I am going to have to _________ these matters, I'm going to have to work this out. And then we have something like "tore up". "I tore up my ________" - meaning: I ripped it to shreds.

Проверь себя

So,, phrasal verbs are a combination of words that take on a different meaning than the original verb, okay? So, we combine a verb with a preposition or an adverb and it makes a different meaning. So, "my truck broke down". My truck malfunctioned, my truck stopped working - broke down. "I will have to deal with this" - meaning: I am going to have to settle these matters, I'm going to have to work this out. And then we have something like "tore up". "I tore up my newspaper" - meaning: I ripped it to shreds.

Фразы для запоминания с переводом

Phrasal verb - Фразовый глагол

Combination - Сочетание

Take on - Приобретать

Meaning - Значение

Original - Первоначальный

Combine - Сочетать, соединять

Preposition - Предлог

Adverb - Наречие

Truck - Машина

Break down - Ломаться

Malfunction - Работать неисправно

I will have to - Мне придется, я буду должен

Deal with - Заниматься, иметь дело

Settle - Разобраться, решить

Matter - Дело, вопрос

Work out - Разобраться

Tear up - Порвать, изорвать

Rip - Разорвать

To shreds - В клочья