Day 15

Посмотри видео

Выполни задания

Задание. Смотря видео заполни пропущенные слова. Выполни задание письменно, чтобы лучше запомнить.

Hello my name is Christian Prendergast and I'm ________ the United States of America. I'm from a city called Charlotte and Charlotte is located in a ___________ called North Carolina. I currently live and teach English in Prague, Czech Republic. My __________ are golf, tennis and traveling. The question for today is: "If you could live anywhere in the _____________, where would it be?”

Проверь себя

Hello my name is Christian Prendergast and I'm from the United States of America. I'm from a city called Charlotte and Charlotte is located in a state called North Carolina. I currently live and teach English in Prague, Czech Republic. My hobbies are golf, tennis and traveling. The question for today is: "If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?”

Фразы для запоминания с переводом

be from - быть из

called - называемый, именуемый, вызываемый

be located - быть расположенным

state - государство, состояние, штат

currently - на данный момент

anywhere - везде

world - мир, свет